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Now that June is here and in full swing (what the! It's already the 8th?!) and the kids are out of school, I wanted to write out some June goals for myself. I try not to be too ambitious during the summer months. Our days are rarely planned ahead of time and aside from a few "definites" in our schedule we generally just go with the flow with whatever sounds good for that day. Praise Hands for no more early mornings, backpacks, folders, outifts to lay out or lunches to be made for a little while!

There's a few things on our Summer Bucket List that we want to do as a family but these particular goals are mainly to keep myself accountable and maintain some of the discipline I've been striving for this year.

1) Establish a new morning quiet time.

My routine for quiet time in the school year totally disinigrates once summer comes along. In the beginning of the year I made a commitment to read my Bible and study every day. I'm going to start setting my alarm for early mornings to get it done before the kids get up. I genuinely love this time of reading, praying and just being still before the busy-ness of the day begins. I'm a better wife/mom/person when I make the time to fill myself up first (and when I can drink my coffee without interruption) I've learned that making this time is mainly about discipline. Do I want to get up early all the time? Not neccessarily, but I want to spend time with the Lord and to know Him even more. So I have to discipline my flesh and line it up with my spirit. Amen? Amen.

2) Work Out:

I've been doing 21 Day Fix by Beachbody 5-6 days a week. I love it because its challenging but doesn't take forever. Just 30 minutes with circuits that include weights and cardio. I want to add in running 2x a week. 21 day fix has a "yoga" day and I just can't do it. It is too dang slow for me. So on that day I'll substitute a 3 mile run and get another run in on either Saturday or Sunday evenings (my FAVORITE day to run) Running and working out just does me good---body and mind!

3) Eat Well:

I started counting macros a couple of weeks ago and I want to keep it up and continue to learn more about how to make it work for me.

A sweet trainer reached out to me after I posted something on my insta-story about my macros when I was just barely feeling it out. She helped me figure out the numbers that are right for me. It's so new to me, but I really really like it so far. Let's be real, I gained a good 10 lbs since before the holidays. I lost 5 of that and now have 5 more to go (ideally like 5-10) Aside from losing any weight, I just feel so much better when I'm eating balanced! I love this idea of flexible dieting, because to me it is much more of a lifestyle. I have done Whole 30 and other programs before but I hate being told NOT to eat something. Like, I don't do well if I think something is totally off limits. I feel deprived and it just feels like punishment rather than healthy living. This way reinforces moderation. NO bad/good/clean/dirty foods. FOOD is FOOD. Praise Him!

If you're wondering what the hey I'm talking about here's a website that explains it better.

(I'll keep y'all updated on how this is working for me!)

4) Start a New Book.

I'm still looking for one. I finished Without Rival by Lisa Bevere and I LOVED it. Can't say enough good things about it. I have a couple I could start but nothing that's got me too excited. I'm up for suggestions! What are some of your favorite summer reads?

5) Deep Clean & Purge

I don't like a lot of "extra" so I try to go through our closets pretty often to see what fits and doesn't fit and then give a bunch away. It always feels so good. The kids are going on a beach trip with their grandparents next week and I plan to take that time to purge their rooms of a bunch of extra toys and clutter. I can not contain my excitment for this ;)

Heading out to the pool with the kiddos now. I'd love to hear 1 or 2 of your goals for June if you have any!

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