I’m a Texas girl by birth but the ocean will always have my heart. I’m fairly certain that my mansion in heaven will be on a beach. They say you either love the warm weather, or you love the cold. I love both. I feel like there’s a time and season for everything. In the summer you sweat and play outside all day and you get dirty and you eat a lot of popsicles. In the winter you snuggle, and you bake, and you decorate and light your candles. Every season has something to love and to embrace.
I guess this is how I have always lived my life and in a way it’s what has kept me grounded most. Life is truly a gift that we’ve been given to live out each day.
I don’t always remember to live it this way, but I try to. I loose my patience, I get hangry, I have an irrational need to take a shower every night before I can go to sleep, I love my coffee in the mornings and I cannot talk until at least the first cup is down, preferably the second one too.
My four kids are my obsession. Asher (11) is thoughtful and protective. Isabella (8) is affectionate and independent. Mia (6) is creative and persistent. Judah (2) is a straight up bear. He’ll tackle you one minute and snuggle you the next.

My husband is my absolute favorite person on earth. I admire so much about him. He’s my polar opposite and my perfect balance. I thank God every single day that he connected our paths nearly 15 years ago. We’ve been married for 13 years this November. We made vows to each other that day in 2004 that we had no concept of their true meaning. But now, after lots of loving, living, learning, growing, and fighting together, we do.
I live life fully aware of the beauty and treasure of this earth, but parts of me already live in heaven. I will be a momma to 5 more babies there one day.
Sunsets pull at my heart and remind me of our Grace Ann, Hope Charlotte, Faith Marie, Jett Samuel, & Rone Robert.
Blue Volcano candles, fresh flowers on my kitchen table, worship music playing loud, running outside in the early evenings, making people laugh, helping others come to know Jesus, sprinklers on fresh cut grass, reading a good book, pastoring our church along side my husband, collecting notebooks, a clean house and sharing my story…These things make me truly happy.
My prayer is that you find some encouragement, inspiration, lots of love, and most of all Jesus as you read my words and get to know me here. And I hope to get to know you too.