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We are a non-profit organization that collects donations and items to create Project Hope memory boxes. Since 2012 we have held 5 craft night events where we gather as women to create, decorate, and pray over these boxes.  We have the privilege of working with an incredible organization here in San Antonio called Threads of Love and given close to 500 boxes to be distributed by Threads of Love to area hospitals and mothers after the loss of a baby to miscarriage, stillbirth or premature birth. 


Each item has been carefully created and chosen for these boxes and we include a lovie bear in each one. It is my heartfelt prayer that these items and these boxes plant a seed of hope and that God’s love and light shines through to every mother that receives one. 


Our craft events have grown over the years. From our first one with 15 women in a school cafeteria to over 175 women gathered together for treats, crafting and fellowship. Each event and each woman carrying one simple mission: Hope. 

It is such a beautiful thing that I feel so fortunate to be a part of. 


Beauty for Ashes. 


To find out more information about Project Hope, to donate, get information for hosting your own Project Hope craft night,

or to get details on our next event, you can send an email to or visit our Facebook or Instagram via the links below.


Our daughter Faith Marie was born on August 4th, 2009 through emergency c-section, weighing a little over one pound. She was simply too tiny and passed away soon after birth. 


That night in the hospital I was given a memory box by one of the nurses. It was filled with sweet little mementos to remember our sweet daughter by. Her little foot prints, hospital bracelet and a hat she had worn the first time I held her.  Inside of the box was also a pink lovie bear with angel wings. As I lifted it out of the box, I felt God breathe hope back into my spirit and I knew in my heart that I would have another baby girl one day and I would give her that little lovie bear.  It was something to hold onto. A tangible hope and a promise.  


A little over one year later in November of 2010, our daughter Mia Glory was born and I gave her that little pink bear. Months went by and I would rock her as she held on to it. Each time God reminded me of that night in the hospital room. Of the heartache and the healing but mostly, of the beautiful hope. 


I wanted to be a part of sharing that with other women who needed to know this same kind of hope. Who need to know that there is a God who loves them and has a plan and a future for them and that saying goodbye to their sweet babies here on earth is not the end.  We have a promise of heaven and a good, good Father who loves us.


Project Hope began with this one mission: To share this certain kind of hope.

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